Graphical Installer for Inno Setup - Bugs
This document describes known bugs and problems in Graphical
Installer for Inno Setup.
For information about Graphical Installer for NSIS see appropriate
documents in Graphical Installer for NSIS package.
Known bugs and problems:
- Graphical Installer implementation of TNewStaticText must have
Parent defined before setting Caption! - see Graphical
- Implementation of TNewStaticText offers new Property: TextColor
which is used instead of Font.Color (which is now ignored)
Warning messages:
During compilation of script you can see several warning messages
Warning: The [Setup] section directive "WizardSmallImageBackColor"
was modified for purposes of Graphical Installer.
Warning: Use "WizardSmallImageBackColor=GraphicalInstallerUI" to
switch to Graphical Installer user interface [file
Warning: Using any other value (or using empty value or deleting
directive) will cause in loading default Inno Setup user interface
[file Setup.e32].
This behaviour is normal, Graphical Installer provides additional
functionality which is not included in original Inno Setup
You do not need to worry about these warnings.