
Console application needed for creating background images. This tool is launched automatically from Graphical Installer Wizard. You can run this application anytime you wish to create dialog's images.
Application is present in both packages (the same version): Graphical Installer for NSIS and Graphical Installer for Inno Setup and it is located in Graphical Installer installation directory (${NSISDIR\Graphical Installer).

In newer versions of Graphical Installer a new application called BitmapCutterGUI.exe is present. BitmapCutter.exe and BitmapCutterGUI.exe have the same functionality - they create background images for your installers.
It is a modern Windows application with intuitive and user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) and it is suitable for inexperienced users too.

Tip: How to create background image for NSIS?
See this technical section how to properly create background images for NSIS.


BitmapCutter.exe <command> filename.extension

BitmapCutter.exe -c background.bmp
=> Application will create file called background-inner.bmp - suitable for NSIS
BitmapCutter.exe -i background.bmp => background-top.bmp, background-inner.bmp, background-bottom.bmp - suitable for Inno Setup

Possible commands:

Command Description Supported version
-c Creates inner image(s) for Graphical Installer for NSIS All versions
-r Creates RTL [Right-To-Left] inner image(s) for Graphical Installer for NSIS Graphical Installer for NSIS 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, Build 2022.1 and newer
-i Creates inner image(s) for Graphical Installer for Inno Setup Graphical Installer for Inno Setup 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
-u Creates RTL [Right-To-Left] inner image(s) for Graphical Installer for Inno Setup Graphical Installer for Inno Setup 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
-o Creates NSIS images for Custom Dimensions Graphical Installer for NSIS, Build 2023.1 and newer
-g Launches BitmapCutterGUI.exe application All versions
-? / -h Displays help All versions
-m Shows CHM manual All versions

Parameter filename.extension represents picture from which the inner image(s) will be created. This picture must be EXACTLY 690 pixels wide and 496 pixels high.

Default values for -o parameter (Pixels):

InnerDialogWidth=450 InnerDialogHeight=228 LeftPosition=210 TopPosition=130

Supported image formats (extensions) and Graphical Installer versions:

Extension Description Graphical Installer for NSIS Graphical Installer for Inno Setup
.bmp Windows Bitmap up to 24bpp All versions All versions
.jpg .jpeg JPEG File Interchange Format Graphical Installer for NSIS 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, Build 2023.1 and newer Graphical Installer for Inno Setup 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
.gif Graphics Interchange Format
.png Portable Network Graphics Graphical Installer for NSIS 3.3.x, 4.x, Build 2023.1 and newer
.tif .tiff Tagged Image File Format

If you use smaller (larger) image than 690x496 pixels the resulting image will be stretched (narrowed). Always use picture 690 pixels wide and 496 pixels high.
If your desired image does not meet some criteria a warning message is shown in application window.

Example - running BitmapCutter.exe with with help text: