Free Tools
We at unSigned have developed several cool tools which we use and offered them to our customers and partners. Everybody loved them! As they are really helpful for other software developers we decided to publish them freerly on our website so everyone can download and use them for FREE!
You can download these tools from links below or you can get them with any unSigned product and install them during setup process (Visual & Installer, Graphical Installer or Graphical Installer (NSIS / Inno Setup)).

1) SetupProjects Converter
- Standalone user friendly (GUI) application that can convert various installation systems into:
NSIS script (.nsi)
Inno Setup script (.iss)
- It is free and open-source
- Currently supported formats:
- Microsoft Visual Studio Setup and Deploy projects (.vdproj)
- InstallShield Limited Edition projects (.isl)
- Advanced Installer Projects (.aip)
- Contains all features, no limitations!
- This tool does not require any installation or administrator rights.
Download: SetupProjects Converter, < 1 MB)

2) MessageBox Designer
- Standalone user friendly (GUI) application for fast and easy creating of:
NSIS MessageBox-es
Inno Setup MessageBox-es
- It is free and open-source
- You do not need to manually write the code, only select design of your desired MessageBox and appropriate code is generated
- It is also possible to preview the MessageBox so you immediately see how it looks like and define its result (which button was clicked)
- The result can be copied into clipboard and pasted directly into script with no further changes
- See the installation system manual for details about MessageBox function syntax and usage
- Contains all features, no limitations!
- This tool does not require any installation or administrator rights.
Download: MessageBox Designer, < 1 MB)